Source code for pyprecag.vector_ops

import collections
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import os
import time
import warnings
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import fiona
import geopandas
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import shapely
from fiona import collection as fionacoll
from import to_string
from osgeo import osr
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from shapely.ops import unary_union

from . import crs as pyprecag_crs
from . import TEMPDIR, config
from .describe import VectorDescribe, save_geopandas_tofile
from .errors import GeometryError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGGER.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())  # Handle logging, no logging has been configured
# LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# DEBUG = config.get_debug_mode()  # LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))

[docs]def thin_point_by_distance(point_geodataframe, point_crs, thin_distance_metres=1.0, out_filename=None): """ Thin points by a distance in metres. All points less than the set distance will be removed. The point_crs must be a Projected Coordinate System Args: point_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): The input points geodataframe point_crs ( The Projected Spatial Reference System of the point_geodataframe thin_distance_metres (float): A floating number representing the minimum distance between points out_filename (str): (Optional) The path and filename to save the result to Returns: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: The thinned geodataframe TODO: Replace with scipy.spatial methods which doesn't rely on the file being correctly sorted. In depth testing required. """ for argCheck in [('thinDist_m', thin_distance_metres)]: if not isinstance(argCheck[1], (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('{} must be a floating number.'.format(argCheck[0])) if not isinstance(point_geodataframe, geopandas.GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError("Input Points should be a geopandas data frame") if 'POINT' not in ','.join(list(point_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid geometry. input shapefile should be point or multipoint') if not isinstance(point_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if not point_crs.srs.IsProjected(): raise TypeError("Input data is not in a projected coordinate system") if out_filename is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_filename)): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(out_filename))) if out_filename is None or config.get_debug_mode(): # get a unique name, it will create, open the file and delete when done after saving the variable with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='{}_'.format(inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]), suffix='.shp', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: out_filename = # out_filename = '{}.shp'.format(inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]) # Create a copy point_geodataframe = point_geodataframe.copy() # create a column and fill with NAN point_geodataframe['filter'] = np.nan if thin_distance_metres == 0: LOGGER.warning('A thin distance of Zero (0) was used. Thinning of input data not undertaken') return point_geodataframe thinDistCSunits = thin_distance_metres if not point_crs.srs.IsProjected(): # use lower left corner of bnd box to convert metres to dd94 distance. thinDistCSunits = pyprecag_crs.distance_metres_to_dd(point_geodataframe.total_bounds[0], point_geodataframe.total_bounds[1], thin_distance_metres) LOGGER.warning('\Input data uses a geographics coordinate system.\n' 'Reprojecting parameter thin distance of {}m to {} for {}'.format(thin_distance_metres, thinDistCSunits, else: LOGGER.debug('\nFiltering by distance {}m ({} for {}) ------'.format(thin_distance_metres, thinDistCSunits, # create the function to use with pandas apply def thin_by_distance(curRow, filter_text): global prevPt if prevPt == '': prevPt = curRow else: dist = curRow.distance(prevPt) if dist <= thinDistCSunits: return filter_text else: prevPt = curRow global prevPt prevPt = '' subset = point_geodataframe[point_geodataframe['filter'].isnull()].copy() drop_cols = [ea for ea in subset.columns.tolist() if ea not in ['geometry', 'FID']] subset.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) # Update/Add x,y coordinates to match coordinate system for argCheck in ['pointX', 'pointY']: if argCheck in point_geodataframe.columns: warnings.warn('{} already exists. Values will be updated'.format(argCheck)) subset['pointX'] = subset.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.x) subset['pointY'] = subset.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.y) iloop = 0 for sortBy in ['pointXY', 'pointX', 'pointY']: filterTime = time.time() if sortBy != 'pointXY': subset.sort_values(by=sortBy, ascending=True, inplace=True) filter_string = '{} ({}m)'.format(sortBy, thinDistCSunits) subset['filter'] = subset['geometry'].apply(lambda x: thin_by_distance(x, filter_string)) stepTotal = len(subset[subset['filter'] == filter_string]) if stepTotal > 0: iloop += 1 subset.loc[subset['filter'] == filter_string, 'filter_inc'] = iloop # update(join/merge) the master filter column with results from thinning. point_geodataframe.loc[point_geodataframe.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter'] = subset['filter'] point_geodataframe.loc[point_geodataframe.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter_inc'] = subset['filter_inc'] subset = subset[subset['filter'].isnull()].copy() if len(subset) == 1: raise TypeError( "There are no features left after {}. Check the coordinate systems and try again".format(sortBy)) '{:<30} {:>10,} {dur:<15} {}'.format('Filter by distance - {}'.format(filter_string.replace('point', '')), len(subset), 'del {} pts'.format(stepTotal), dur=datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - filterTime))) # set sort back to original row order # point_geodataframe.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=True, inplace=True) filterTime = time.time() if config.get_debug_mode(): # save with filter column. save_geopandas_tofile(point_geodataframe, out_filename, overwrite=True) elif out_filename is not None: save_geopandas_tofile(point_geodataframe.drop('filter', axis=1), out_filename, overwrite=True) return point_geodataframe
[docs]def move_or_copy_vector_file(in_filename, out_filename, keepInput=True, overwrite=True): """ Move, Rename or Copy a vector file from one name/location to another. This uses the GDAL CopyDataSource and DeleteDataSource methods. To Move/Rename - keepInput=False. It will copy the file to new location then delete original. To Copy - keepInput=True. Args: in_filename (str): The Input filename out_filename (str): The output filename and location keepInput (bool): if False will mimic a move/rename by copying the file then deleting the input file overwrite (bool): If output exists it will be overwritten. """ start_time = time.time() if not os.path.exists(in_filename): raise IOError("Invalid path: {}".format(in_filename)) if os.path.splitext(in_filename)[-1] != os.path.splitext(out_filename)[-1]: raise TypeError("Input and output should be the same file type, ie both shapefiles") if in_filename == out_filename: raise TypeError("Input and output should have different file names") if os.path.exists(out_filename) and not overwrite: raise IOError("Output Exists and overwrite is false: {}".format(in_filename)) vectDesc = VectorDescribe(in_filename) geoDF = vectDesc.open_geo_dataframe() geoDF.to_file(out_filename, LOGGER.debug('Successfully renamed from \n {} \n to \n {}'.format(in_filename, out_filename))'{} complete !! Duration H:M:SS - {dur}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dur=datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)))
[docs]def explode_multi_part_features(in_shapefilename, out_shapefilename): """ Convert Multipart Vector Features to Single Part Features. Args: in_shapefilename (str): The input vector file, normally a shapefile out_shapefilename (str): the resulting shapefile Returns:None """ start_time = time.time() if not os.path.exists(in_shapefilename): raise IOError("Invalid path: {}".format(in_shapefilename)) if os.path.splitext(in_shapefilename)[-1] != os.path.splitext(out_shapefilename)[-1]: raise TypeError("Input and output should be the same file type, ie both shapefiles") if os.path.basename(in_shapefilename) == os.path.basename(out_shapefilename): raise TypeError("Input and output should have different file names") vectDesc = VectorDescribe(in_shapefilename) if 'MULTI' not in vectDesc.geometry_type: LOGGER.exception('Input shapefiles does not contain multi-part geometry') return # open the original shapefile with fionacoll(in_shapefilename, 'r') as source: # create the new shapefile with fionacoll(out_shapefilename, 'w', driver=source.driver, crs=vectDesc.epsg, schema=source.schema) as output: # iterate the features of the original shapefile for elem in source: # iterate the list of geometries in one element (split the MultiLineString) for line in shape(elem['geometry']): # write the line to the new shapefile output.write({'geometry': mapping(line), 'properties': elem['properties']})'{} complete !! Duration H:M:SS - {dur}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dur=datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)))
[docs]def calculate_area_length_in_metres(in_filename, dissolve_overlap=True): """Calculate the total Area and Length in metres for an input polygon file. If the input file is geographic, then the feature will be 'projected' into wgs84 utm system Currently there is no Summarize by Column or update existing features .. implemented (see TODO). Args: in_filename (str): Input polygon file. dissolve_overlap (bool): Return values after Dissolve ALL geometries. Returns: list[area,length]: The Total Area and Length """ start_time = time.time() if not os.path.exists(in_filename): raise IOError("Invalid path: {}".format(in_filename)) with, 'r') as source: inSRS = osr.SpatialReference() inSRS.ImportFromProj4(to_string( if not inSRS.IsProjected(): zone, utmSRS, wgs84SRS = pyprecag_crs.getUTMfromWGS84(*source.bounds[:2]) # Create the Project Transformation object project = functools.partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(**, pyproj.Proj(utmSRS.ExportToProj4())) # Store Results in a dictionary resultsDict = collections.defaultdict(float) # Store projected polygons polygonsGeom = [] # loop through polygons collecting areas and lengths for eaFeat in source: # get the geometry of the feature eaGeom = shape(eaFeat['geometry']) # if this is geographic the it will be dd resultsDict['origArea'] += eaGeom.area resultsDict['origLength'] += eaGeom.length # If inSRS is Geographic the reproject the feature to a projected system to get area in metres if not inSRS.IsProjected(): project = functools.partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(**, pyproj.Proj(utmSRS.ExportToProj4())) # Get the projected geometry eaGeom = shapely.ops.transform(project, eaGeom) # store numbers in metres resultsDict['Area_m'] += eaGeom.area resultsDict['Length_m'] += eaGeom.length # If overlaps are to be dissolved we need a projected geometry collection if dissolve_overlap: polygonsGeom.append(eaGeom) if dissolve_overlap: # Run the dissolve. polygondis = shapely.ops.unary_union(polygonsGeom) resultsDict['Area_m_NoOverlap'] += polygondis.area resultsDict['Length_m_NoOverlap'] += polygondis.length # get the final values area = resultsDict['Area_m'] length = resultsDict['Length_m'] if dissolve_overlap: area = resultsDict['Area_m_NoOverlap'] length = resultsDict['Length_m_NoOverlap'] LOGGER.debug('CRS: {}'.format(to_string( if not inSRS.IsProjected(): LOGGER.debug('\t{:<25} Area (dd): {:>20.5f} Length (dd): {:>20.5f}'.format('No Overlap-', resultsDict['origArea'], resultsDict['origLength'])) LOGGER.debug('Projected To CRS: {}'.format(utmSRS.GetAttrValue("PROJCS", 0))) LOGGER.debug('\t{:<25} Area (m) : {:>20.5f} Length (m) : {:>20.5f}'.format('Total with Overlap-', resultsDict['Area_m'], resultsDict['Length_m'])) if dissolve_overlap: LOGGER.debug('\t{:<25} Area (m) : {:>20.5f} Length (m) : {:>20.5f}'.format('Total with No Overlap-', resultsDict['Area_m_NoOverlap'], resultsDict['Length_m_NoOverlap'])) LOGGER.debug('{} complete !! Duration H:M:SS - {dur}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dur=datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) return area, length