Source code for pyprecag.processing

from datetime import timedelta
import glob
import inspect
import re
from collections import defaultdict

from itertools import izip
import logging
import os

import random
import time

from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import rasterio

from import from_epsg
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries
from osgeo import gdal

from rasterio import features
from import MemoryFile
from rasterio.fill import fillnodata
from rasterio.mask import mask as rio_mask
from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling
# from rasterio.warp import aligned_target
from import get_data_window, intersection, from_bounds
from scipy.cluster.vq import *
from scipy import stats

from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, mapping
from shapely.ops import linemerge

from . import crs as pyprecag_crs
from . import TEMPDIR, config

from .table_ops import calculate_strip_stats
from .convert import convert_polygon_to_grid, convert_grid_to_vesper, numeric_pixelsize_to_string, \
    convert_polygon_feature_to_raster, drop_z, deg_to_8_compass_pts, point_to_point_bearing, \

from .describe import save_geopandas_tofile, VectorDescribe, get_dataframe_encoding
from .errors import GeometryError, SpatialReferenceError
from .vector_ops import thin_point_by_distance
from .raster_ops import focal_statistics, save_in_memory_raster_to_file, reproject_image, \
    calculate_image_indices, stack_and_clip_rasters

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def block_grid(in_shapefilename, pixel_size, out_rasterfilename, out_vesperfilename, nodata_val=-9999, snap=True, overwrite=False): """Convert a polygon boundary to a 0,1 raster and generate a VESPER compatible list of coordinates for kriging. Args: in_shapefilename (str): Input polygon shapefile pixel_size (float): The required output pixel size out_rasterfilename (str): Filename of the raster Tiff that will be created out_vesperfilename (str): The output vesper file nodata_val (int): an integer to use as nodata snap (bool): Snap Extent to a factor of the Pixel size overwrite (bool): if true overwrite existing file Requirements: Input shapefile should be in a projected coordinate system........ Notes: Define pixel_size and no data value of new raster see This works, but the extent of the output differs from that of an arcpy generated raster. See post: """ if not isinstance(pixel_size, (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('Pixel size must be an integer or floating number.') if not isinstance(nodata_val, (int, long)): raise TypeError('Nodata value must be an integer.') desc_poly_shp = VectorDescribe(in_shapefilename) if not raise SpatialReferenceError('Shapefile must be in a projected coordinate system') if 'POLY' not in desc_poly_shp.geometry_type.upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid Geometry. Input shapefile should be polygon or multipolygon') start_time = time.time() convert_polygon_to_grid(in_shapefilename=in_shapefilename, out_rasterfilename=out_rasterfilename, pixel_size=pixel_size, snap_extent_to_pixel=snap, nodata_val=nodata_val, overwrite=overwrite) convert_grid_to_vesper(in_rasterfilename=out_rasterfilename, out_vesperfilename=out_vesperfilename)'{:<30}\t{dur:<15}\t{}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)))
[docs]def create_polygon_from_point_trail(points_geodataframe, points_crs, out_filename, thin_dist_m=1.0, aggregate_dist_m=25, buffer_dist_m=10, shrink_dist_m=3): """Create a polygon from a Point Trail created from a file containing GPS coordinates. The point order should be sorted by increasing time sequence to ensure the 'dot-to-dot' occurs correctly. The workflow is as follows: Points -> Lines -> Buffer Out (expand) -> Buffer In (shrink) For efficiency, points will be thinned. This will remove points less than the set thinDist. Resulting points will be connected to form lines. Line ends are detected where the distance between points is greater than the aggregate distance. This will occur at a turning point or interruption (ie creek) and gps point collection is stopped. Typically this distance is slightly greater than the row/swath width. Buffering is used to convert to polygon and remove the gap between row_count/swaths. The buffer distance is usually half the row/swath width. Buffering with a negative value is used to remove excess area on the outside of the polygon. This shrink distance is usually around 7m less than the buffer distance. Args: points_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): Input points vector geodataframe points_crs ( The Projected Spatial Reference System of the point_geodataframe out_filename (str): Output polygon file. This should be the same format as the input. thin_dist_m (float): The minimum distance in metres between points to be used to thin the points dataset. aggregate_dist_m (int): A floating number representing the maximum distance between point. This is used to detect a line end. Typically this is slightly larger than the row/swath width. buffer_dist_m (int): The Buffer distance in metres. Typically half the swath or row width. shrink_dist_m (int): The shrink distance in metres. Typically about 7 less than the buffer distance. """ for argCheck in [('thin_dist_m', thin_dist_m), ('aggregate_dist_m', aggregate_dist_m), ('buffer_dist_m', buffer_dist_m), ('shrink_dist_m', shrink_dist_m)]: if not isinstance(argCheck[1], (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('{} must be a floating number.'.format(argCheck[0])) if not isinstance(points_geodataframe, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : inputGeoDataFrame') if 'POINT' not in ','.join(list(points_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : A points geopandas dataframe is required') if not isinstance(points_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if out_filename is None or out_filename == '': raise TypeError('Please specify an output filename') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_filename)): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(out_filename))) start_time = time.time() points_geodataframe = points_geodataframe.copy() if 'FID' not in points_geodataframe.columns: points_geodataframe['FID'] = points_geodataframe.index # don't need any attribution so drop it all except fid and geometry dropcols = [ea for ea in points_geodataframe.columns.tolist() if ea not in ['geometry', 'FID']] points_geodataframe.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) ptsgdf_crs = points_crs.epsg gdf_thin = thin_point_by_distance(points_geodataframe, points_crs, thin_dist_m) gdf_thin = gdf_thin[gdf_thin['filter'].isnull()].copy() del points_geodataframe dropcols = [ea for ea in gdf_thin.columns.tolist() if ea not in ['geometry', 'FID']] gdf_thin.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) step_time = time.time() # calc distance between two points gdf_thin['dist_shift'] = gdf_thin.distance(gdf_thin.shift(1)) # Calc first value to be 0 gdf_thin.loc[gdf_thin['dist_shift'].isnull(), 'dist_shift'] = 0 # apply a new row/line id when distance between points is greater than 25m gdf_thin["lineID"] = (gdf_thin["dist_shift"] >= aggregate_dist_m).cumsum()'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Assign lineID', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) temp_file_list = [] if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list = [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, os.path.basename( out_filename.replace('.shp', '_0thnpts.shp')))] save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_thin, temp_file_list[-1], overwrite=True) step_time = time.time() # A line must have at least two points so remove lines with only one point. # count all points per lineID ptsperline = gdf_thin.groupby('lineID').count() # select all LineID's with more than one point gdf_thin = gdf_thin.loc[gdf_thin['lineID'].isin(ptsperline[ptsperline['geometry'] > 1].index)] # convert to lines # source try: # Aggregate these points with the GroupBy - for shapely 1.3.2+ use df_line = gdf_thin.groupby(['lineID'])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist())) except ValueError: df_line = gdf_thin.groupby(['lineID'])['geometry'].apply( lambda x: LineString([(p.x, p.y) for p in x])) gdf_final = GeoDataFrame(df_line, geometry='geometry') del gdf_thin, ptsperline, df_line = ptsgdf_crs'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Convert to lines', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list.append(os.path.join(TEMPDIR, os.path.basename( out_filename.replace('.shp', '_1line.shp')))) save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final, temp_file_list[-1], overwrite=True) # buffer and dissolve overlap of lines step_time = time.time() gdf_final = GeoDataFrame(geometry=[gdf_final.buffer(buffer_dist_m).unary_union]) = ptsgdf_crs gdf_final['FID'] = gdf_final.index'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Buffer by {}'.format(buffer_dist_m), '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list.append(os.path.join( TEMPDIR, os.path.basename(out_filename.replace('.shp', '_2buf.shp')))) save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final, temp_file_list[-1], overwrite=True) if shrink_dist_m != 0: step_time = time.time() gdf_final = GeoDataFrame(geometry=gdf_final.buffer(-abs(shrink_dist_m))) = ptsgdf_crs'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Shrink by {}'.format(shrink_dist_m), '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list.append(os.path.join( TEMPDIR, os.path.basename(out_filename.replace('.shp', '_3bufshrink.shp')))) save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final, temp_file_list[-1], overwrite=True) step_time = time.time() # explode = gdf_final.explode().reset_index().rename( columns={0: 'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry')['geometry'] gdf_final = GeoDataFrame(geometry=explode) = ptsgdf_crs gdf_final['FID'] = gdf_final.index gdf_final['Area'] = gdf_final.area gdf_final['Perimeter'] = gdf_final.length'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Explode polygons', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final, out_filename, overwrite=True)'{:<30}\t{dur:<15}\t{}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) thin_ratio = (4 * 3.14 * gdf_final['Area'].sum() / (gdf_final['Perimeter'].sum() * gdf_final['Perimeter'].sum())) LOGGER.debug('{:<25} {:.5f}'.format('Thin Ratio : ', thin_ratio)) if thin_ratio < 0.01: LOGGER.warning('For an improved result, increase the buffer width and shrink ' 'distance and try again.') return 'For an improved result, increase the buffer width and shrink distance and ' \ 'try again.' else: return
[docs]def clean_trim_points(points_geodataframe, points_crs, process_column, output_csvfile, boundary_polyfile=None, out_keep_shapefile=None, out_removed_shapefile=None, remove_zeros=True, stdevs=3, iterative=True, thin_dist_m=1.0): """ Clean and/or Trim a points dataframe. Preparation includes: - Clip data to polygon. - Move data to a Projected Coordinate system. - Remove values where data_column are less than or equal to zero - Calculate Normalised value for data_column (number of StDev). - Iteratively Trim outliers based on Normalised data_column - Remove points closer than a set distance (trim_dist_m) Args: points_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): The input points geodataframe points_crs ( The Spatial Reference System of the point_geodataframe process_column (str): The column to normalise, trim and clean. output_csvfile (str): The Trimmed & Cleaned output CSV file out_keep_shapefile (str): Optionally save the Trimmed & Cleaned to a shapefile out_removed_shapefile (str): Optionally save a shapefile containing features removed while cleaning/filtering. A column called filter will be added showing the reason a point was removed. boundary_polyfile (str): Optionally a polygon used to Clip the points. remove_zeros (bool): Optionally remove values where data_column are <= to zero prior to removing outliers. stdevs (int): The number of standard deviations used to trim outliers iterative (bool): Optionally Iteratively Trim outliers based on Normalised Data column thin_dist_m (float): A distance in metres representing the minimum allowed distance between points. Points less than this distance will be removed. Returns: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: Representing the cleaned/trimmed data file. New columns included in the output are: Eastings, Northings - The point coordinates in a projected coordinate system EN_Epsg - The epsg number of the projected coordinate system Nrm_ - normalise data_column calculation. The pyprecag CRS object of the points dataframe. """ if not isinstance(points_geodataframe, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : inputGeodataFrame') if 'POINT' not in ','.join(list(points_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : a points geopandas dataframe is required') if not isinstance(points_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if output_csvfile is None: raise TypeError('Invalid input data : an output csv path and file is required') for argCheck in [output_csvfile, out_keep_shapefile, out_removed_shapefile]: if argCheck is None: continue if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(argCheck)): raise IOError('Output folder does not exist: {}'.format(os.path.dirname(argCheck))) for argCheck in [('thinDist_m', thin_dist_m), ('stdev', stdevs)]: if not isinstance(argCheck[1], (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('{} must be a integer or floating number.'.format(argCheck[0])) if process_column not in points_geodataframe.columns: raise TypeError('Column {} does not exist in input geodataframe'.format(process_column)) for argCheck in [('remove_zeros', remove_zeros), ('iterative', iterative)]: if not isinstance(argCheck[1], bool): raise TypeError('{} should be a boolean.'.format(argCheck[0])) norm_column = 'nrm_' + process_column'Normalized Column is {}'.format(norm_column)) if norm_column in points_geodataframe.columns: LOGGER.warning('Column {} already exists and will be overwritten'.format(norm_column)) if boundary_polyfile is not None: if not os.path.exists(boundary_polyfile): raise IOError("Invalid path: {}".format(boundary_polyfile)) ply_desc = VectorDescribe(boundary_polyfile) if 'POLY' not in ply_desc.geometry_type.upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid geometry. Input shapefile should be polygon' ' or multipolygon') start_time = time.time() # set a UniqueID Field which ISNT the FID for use through out the processing id_col = 'PT_UID' # IE clean/trim fid points_geodataframe[id_col] = points_geodataframe.index gdf_points = points_geodataframe.copy() # To speed things up, drop all unrequired columns dropcols = [ea for ea in gdf_points.columns.tolist() if ea not in ['geometry', id_col, norm_column, process_column]] gdf_points.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) step_time = time.time() # set defaults gdf_points['filter'] = np.nan gdf_points['filter_inc'] = 0 # Remove rows where data col is empty/null subset = gdf_points[gdf_points[process_column].isnull()] if len(subset) > 0: gdf_points.loc[subset.index, 'filter'] = 'nulls' gdf_points.loc[~gdf_points.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter_inc'] \ = len(gdf_points['filter'].value_counts()) subset = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].copy() # Remove duplicated geometries # geom = subset["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb) subset = subset.loc[geom.drop_duplicates().index] gdf_points.loc[~gdf_points.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter'] = 'Duplicate XY' gdf_points.loc[~gdf_points.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter_inc'] \ = len(gdf_points['filter'].value_counts())'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Remove Duplicate XYs', len(geom) - len(subset), '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) subset = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].copy() if boundary_polyfile is not None: gdf_poly = ply_desc.open_geo_dataframe() if != points_crs.epsg_number: # Preference is to the projected coordinate system then only project the smaller # dataset (usually poly) By now points should be in the out projected coordinate system if != points_crs.epsg_number: gdf_poly.to_crs(epsg=points_crs.epsg_number, inplace=True)'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Reproject clip polygon', '', 'To epsg_number {}'.format(points_crs.epsg_number), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # Clip to boundary then apply to filter column subset = subset[subset.intersects(gdf_poly.unary_union)].copy() del gdf_poly if len(subset) == 0: raise GeometryError('Clipping removed all features. Check coordinate systems and/or ' 'clip polygon layer and try again') gdf_points.loc[~gdf_points.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter'] = 'clip' gdf_points.loc[~gdf_points.index.isin(subset.index), 'filter_inc'] \ = len(gdf_points['filter'].value_counts())'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur} '.format( 'Clip', len(subset), '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() if remove_zeros: subset = subset[subset[process_column] <= 0] gdf_points.loc[subset.index, 'filter'] = 'zero' gdf_points.loc[subset.index, 'filter_inc'] = len(gdf_points['filter'].value_counts()) if len(gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()]) == 0: raise GeometryError("Zero filter removed all points " "in column {}".format(process_column)) if stdevs > 0: i = 0 # Get a fresh copy of subset. subset = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].copy() while len(subset) > 0: i += 1 subset = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].copy() yld_mean = subset[process_column].mean() yld_std = subset[process_column].std() subset[norm_column] = subset[process_column].apply(lambda x: (x - yld_mean) / yld_std) subset = subset[subset[norm_column].abs() >= stdevs] gdf_points.loc[subset.index, 'filter'] = '{} std iter {}'.format(stdevs, int(i)) gdf_points.loc[subset.index, 'filter_inc'] = len(gdf_points['filter'].value_counts()) if not iterative: break'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Filter by column', len(gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()]), "{} (zeros, norm, {} std)".format(process_column, stdevs), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) gdf_thin = thin_point_by_distance(gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()], points_crs, thin_dist_m) step_time = time.time() # update(join/merge) gdfPoints['filter'] column with results from thinning. gdf_points.loc[gdf_points.index.isin(gdf_thin.index), 'filter'] = gdf_thin['filter'] gdf_points.loc[gdf_points.index.isin(gdf_thin.index), 'filter_inc'] = \ gdf_thin['filter_inc'] + len(gdf_points['filter_inc'].value_counts()) del gdf_thin # Add the incremental number to the filter column ie '01 clip' gdf_points['filter'] = gdf_points[['filter_inc', 'filter']].dropna().apply( lambda x: '%02d %s' % (x[0], x[1]), axis=1) # after last iteration of thin by distance subset should be yld_mean = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].mean()[process_column] yld_std = gdf_points[gdf_points['filter'].isnull()].std()[process_column] gdf_points.loc[gdf_points['filter'].isnull(), norm_column] = \ (gdf_points[process_column] - yld_mean) / yld_std # prepare some summary results for filtered features. # Filter is the reason a point is removed,and filter_inc keeps them in the order they were # removed. ie std it before thining by distance. results_table = gdf_points.copy() results_table['filter'].fillna('Pts remaining', inplace=True) results_table['filter_inc'].fillna(len(results_table['filter'].value_counts()), inplace=True) # Get a count of features per filter. filter_inc maintains the sort order results_table = results_table.groupby(['filter_inc', 'filter']).size() \ .to_frame('feat_count').reset_index('filter') # and add the total of the results total_row = pd.DataFrame(data=[[len(results_table) + 1, 'Total', results_table['feat_count'].sum()]], columns=['filter_inc', 'filter', 'feat_count']).set_index('filter_inc') # Add this to results table results_table = results_table.append(total_row) # Clean up filtered results by removing all columns except those new ones which # have to be copied back to original dropcols = [ea for ea in gdf_points.columns.tolist() if ea not in ['geometry', norm_column, 'filter', id_col]] gdf_points.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) # Add x,y coordinates to match coordinate system gdf_points['Easting'] = gdf_points.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.x) gdf_points['Northing'] = gdf_points.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.y) gdf_points['EN_EPSG'] = points_crs.epsg_number # Clean up the original input dataframe and remove existing geometry and coord columns alt_coord_columns = config.get_config_key('geoCSV')['xCoordinate_ColumnName'] alt_coord_columns += config.get_config_key('geoCSV')['yCoordinate_ColumnName'] # Find and Drop coord columns if already exist. coord_columns = [fld for fld in points_geodataframe.columns if fld.upper() in alt_coord_columns] coord_columns = coord_columns + ['geometry'] if len(coord_columns) > 0: points_geodataframe.drop(coord_columns, axis=1, inplace=True) # Use geopandas merge instead of concat to maintain coordinate system info etc. gdf_final = points_geodataframe.merge(gdf_points, on=id_col, how='outer') # move newer columns to end (geometry, filter, etc) gdf_final.drop([id_col], inplace=True, axis=1) # get the appropriate file encoding and save the file file_encoding = get_dataframe_encoding(gdf_final) gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].isnull()].drop(['geometry', 'filter'], axis=1) \ .to_csv(output_csvfile, index=False, encoding=file_encoding)'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Save to CSV', len(gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].isnull()]), os.path.basename(output_csvfile), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # gdfPoints have all points with a filter string assigned if out_keep_shapefile is not None and out_keep_shapefile != '': save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].isnull()].drop(['filter'], axis=1), out_keep_shapefile, overwrite=True)'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Save to Shapefile', len(gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].isnull()]), os.path.basename(out_keep_shapefile), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() if out_removed_shapefile is not None and out_removed_shapefile != '': save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].notnull()] .drop([norm_column], axis=1), out_removed_shapefile, overwrite=True)'{:<30} {:>10,} {:<15} {dur}' .format('Save removed Shapefile', len(gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].notnull()]), os.path.basename(out_removed_shapefile), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time)))'\nResults:---------------------------------------\n{}\n'.format( results_table.to_string(index=False, justify='center')))'{:<30}\t{dur:<15}\t{}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) return gdf_final[gdf_final['filter'].isnull()], points_crs
[docs]def random_pixel_selection(raster, raster_crs, num_points, out_shapefile=None): """Select randomly distributed valid data pixels from a raster file and convert to points representing the center of the pixel. There is an option to save to shapefile if required. Note: When opening a raster using RasterIO the coordinate system is imported from the Proj4 string and converted to a crs_wkt. This means that the crs_wkt recorded against the opened dataset does not always equal the crs_wkt of the original raster file. To remedy this, use pyprecag_crs.getCRSfromRasterFile to create a crs object Args: raster ( raster file via num_points (int): The number of random sample points to select. raster_crs ( The Spatial Reference System for the raster file out_shapefile (str):Optional.. the path and name of a shapefile used to save the points. Returns: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: A dataframe containing the select pixels as points The pyprecag CRS object of the points dataframe. """ if not isinstance(raster, rasterio.DatasetReader): raise TypeError("Input should be a rasterio.DatasetReader created " "using") if not isinstance(num_points, (int, long)): raise TypeError('Size must be an Integer.') if not isinstance(raster_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if out_shapefile is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_shapefile)): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format( os.path.dirname(out_shapefile))) elif config.get_debug_mode(): out_shapefile = '{}_randompts.shp'.format(inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[2]) band1 =, masked=True) if num_points > band1.count(): raise ValueError('Size parameter is greater than the number of data pixels') # Sources: enumerate using a masked array # Create a geodataframe while iterating.... (Cell 2) # # Create a flattened mask array mask = ~band1.mask.ravel() # create an array with the row/col address and current pixel value for data pixels only # np.ndenumerate(image_read) returns ((row,col),val) which can be unpacked # using ((r,c),v) and converted to a list using (int(r),int(c),v) band1_index = [(int(r), int(c), v) for ((r, c), v), m in izip(np.ndenumerate(band1), mask) if m] # get a fixes random sample rand_samp = random.sample(band1_index, num_points) # add coordinates for each sample point rand_samp_xy = [pt + raster.xy(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in rand_samp] # convert to geopandas dataframe. Drop the data value from the output. random_pts_gdf = GeoDataFrame([{'geometry': Point(pt[3], pt[4]), 'PtID': i, 'X': pt[3], 'Y': pt[4]} for i, pt in enumerate(rand_samp_xy)], crs=raster_crs.epsg) if out_shapefile is not None: save_geopandas_tofile(random_pts_gdf, out_shapefile, overwrite=True) return random_pts_gdf, raster_crs
[docs]def extract_pixel_statistics_for_points(points_geodataframe, points_crs, rasterfiles, output_csvfile, function_list=[np.nanmean], size_list=[3]): """Extract statistics from a list of rasters at set locations. All raster files in the list should be of the same pixel size. While multi-bands raster files are supported as an input, statistics will only be calculated and extracted for the first band. Statistics are calculated on pixel values with a square neighbourhood and saved to a CSV file. Pixels assigned with Nodata are converted to np.nan and excluded from the calculations. All original columns are included in the output csv file in addition to columns containing the values for each raster -> size -> statistic combination. The column names can either be specified or derived via the out_colname argument in raster_ops.focal_statistics. A size of 1 can be used to extract exact pixel values and whereby no statistics are calculated. Args: points_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): The input points geodataframe of locations to extract statistics. points_crs ( The Spatial Reference System of the point_geodataframe rasterfiles (List[str]): the list of paths & file names for the input rasters output_csvfile (str): the path and filename of the output CSV. function_list (List[function]): A list of statistical functions to apply to the raster. These can include numpy functions like np.nanmean or custom ones like pixel_count size_list (List[int]): The list of neighbourhood sizes used to apply statistical filtering. Returns: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: dataframe of the points and calculated statistics The pyprecag CRS object of the points dataframe. """ if not isinstance(points_geodataframe, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : inputGeodataFrame') if 'POINT' not in ','.join(list(points_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : a points geopandas dataframe is required') if not isinstance(points_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if output_csvfile is None or output_csvfile == '': raise TypeError('Please specify an output CSV filename') if not os.path.isabs(output_csvfile): # if a path isn't provided then create in temp. Used for daisy chaining functions. output_csvfile = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, output_csvfile) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_csvfile)): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(output_csvfile))) if not isinstance(function_list, list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: functions should be a list of function_list ' 'statistics to process') for ea_function in function_list: # check to see if the functions in the list are functions ie are callable not random # string or numbers.... if not callable(ea_function): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: should be a numpy or custom function like np.nanstd etc') if not isinstance(size_list, list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: size_list should be a list of sizes to process') for ea_size in size_list: if not isinstance(ea_size, int) or ea_size % 2 == 0: raise TypeError("Size {} should be an odd integer. Only square " "filters are supported.".format(ea_size)) if not isinstance(rasterfiles, list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: rasterfiles should be a list') not_exists = [my_file for my_file in rasterfiles if not os.path.exists(my_file)] if len(not_exists) > 0: raise IOError('rasterfiles: {} raster file(s) do not exist\n\t({})'.format( len(not_exists), '\n\t'.join(not_exists))) # Check that all raster files have the same pixel size_list. pix = None res_error = [] for ea_raster in rasterfiles: with as src: if pix is None: pix = src.res elif pix != src.res: res_error.append(ea_raster) if len(res_error) > 0: raise TypeError('rasterfiles: Inconsistent pixel sizes' '\n\t{}'.format('\n\t'.join(res_error))) '''TODO: consider clipping raster to extent of the points file which will be quicker when the raster is larger than the points.''' start_time = time.time() # overwrite the gdf proj4 string with the epsg mapping equivalent = points_crs.epsg points_geodataframe['EPSG'] = points_crs.epsg_number cur_pixel = False if 1 in size_list: cur_pixel = True size_list.remove(1) for ea_raster in rasterfiles: # Need to get the wktproj of the raster from gdal NOT rasterio. # RasterIO works from the proj4 string NOT the wkt string so aussie zones details gets lost. rast_crs = pyprecag_crs.getCRSfromRasterFile(ea_raster) if rast_crs.epsg != # we have to reproject the vector points to match the raster print ('WARNING: Projecting points from {} to {}'.format(, rast_crs.epsg)) points_geodataframe.to_crs(epsg=rast_crs.epsg_number, inplace=True) focal_stats = [] with as src: meta = src.meta.copy() if cur_pixel: focal_stats += [focal_statistics(src, size=1)] for ea_size in size_list: for ea_function in function_list: focal_stats += [focal_statistics(src, size=ea_size, function=ea_function)] # Update the metadata for the desired focal_stats outputs. meta.update({'driver': 'GTiff', 'nodata': -9999, 'crs': rast_crs.crs_wkt, 'dtype': rasterio.float32, 'count': len(focal_stats)}) # create a raster in memory with MemoryFile() as memfile: # open the in-memory raster for writing with**meta) as dest: # loop through the outputs and write bands and tags for i, (arr, nm) in enumerate(focal_stats, start=1): dest.write(arr, i) dest.update_tags(i, name=nm) ''' Get a generator object of XY, value pairs to extract which can be used later by rasterio.sample() to extract values from ALL bands .... ''' pt_shapes = ((geom.x, geom.y) for geom in points_geodataframe.geometry) # open the file for reading with as dest: # using rasterio sample, extract values from each band at each point raster_vals = [list(val) for val in dest.sample(pt_shapes)] # extract the statistic type from the band tag name element col_names = [dest.tags(i_band)['name'] for i_band in range(1, dest.count + 1)] del pt_shapes # Convert raster_vals numpy array to dataframe using tags as column names df_raster_vals = pd.DataFrame(raster_vals, columns=col_names) # replace values for points outside the raster extent with np.nan values df_raster_vals.replace(meta['nodata'], np.nan, inplace=True) del raster_vals # Add the point geometry back in by joining by row index # If Rounding's required do this. # points_geodataframe = pd.concat([points_geodataframe, df_raster_vals.round(6)], axis=1) points_geodataframe = pd.concat([points_geodataframe, df_raster_vals], axis=1) del df_raster_vals # Reproject points back to original coordinate system if required. if points_crs.epsg != points_geodataframe.to_crs(epsg=points_crs.epsg_number, inplace=True) if output_csvfile is not None: step_time = time.time() # Save to CSV only points to KEEP using appropriate file encoding points_geodataframe.drop(['geometry'], axis=1).to_csv(output_csvfile, index=False)'{:<30}\t{:>10} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'Saved CSV', '', os.path.basename(output_csvfile), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time)))'{:<30}\t{:>10} {dur:>15}\t{}'.format( inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, '', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) return points_geodataframe, points_crs
[docs]def multi_block_bands_processing(image_file, pixel_size, out_folder, band_nums=[], image_epsg=0, image_nodata=0, polygon_shapefile=None, groupby=None): """Derive multiple resampled image bands matching the specified pixel size and block grid extent for each shapefile polygon. Use this tool create individual band images for each polygon within a shapefile. A group-by column may be used to dissolve multiple polygons belonging to an individual block. The fitting of rasters to a base Block (grid) ensures for easier, more accurate multi-layered analysis required by in Precision Agriculture. The processing steps to achieve this are: - Dissolve polygons optionally using the group-by column Loop through each polygon feature and...... - Create Block Grid - Clip image to polygon - Resample and fit to block grid for a pixel size and using Average resampling technique - Identify holes and fill if necessary - smooth image using a 5x5 pixel moving average (focal_statistics) If a polygon shapefile is not specified, polygons will be created from the images' mask The polygon shapefile will be re-projected to match the image file A block grid will be created for each feature for the nominated pixel size and used as the base for analysis "image_epsg" and "image_nodata" can be used to set the coordinate system and image nodata values when they are not present within the image file. The output filename will consist of the selected band number or the value of a band's rasterio custom name tag Args: image_file (str): An input image pixel_size (int, float): The desired output pixel size in metres. out_folder (str): The output folder for the created images. band_nums (List[int]): a list of band numbers to process. If empty all bands will be used image_epsg (int): the epsg number for the image. Only used if not provided by the image. image_nodata (int): the nodata value for the image. Only used if not provided by the image. polygon_shapefile (str): a polygon shapefile used to cut up an image. groupby (str): the column/field to use to group multiple features. Returns: List[str]: a list of created files. """ if isinstance(polygon_shapefile, str) and polygon_shapefile.strip() == '': polygon_shapefile = None if isinstance(groupby, str) and groupby.strip() == '': groupby = None for ea_arg in [('image_file', image_file), ('out_folder', out_folder), ('polygon_shapefile', polygon_shapefile)]: if ea_arg[0] != 'polygon_shapefile': if ea_arg[1] is None or ea_arg[1].strip() == '': raise ValueError('{} is required '.format(ea_arg[0])) if ea_arg[1] is not None and not os.path.exists(ea_arg[1]): raise IOError('{} does not exist-Got {}'.format(ea_arg[0], os.path.dirname(ea_arg[1]))) for ea_arg in [('pixel_size', pixel_size), ('image_nodata', image_nodata)]: if not isinstance(ea_arg[1], (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('{} must be a integer or floating number - Got {}'.format(*ea_arg)) if not isinstance(image_epsg, (int, long)): raise TypeError('image_epsg must be a integer - Got {}'.format(image_epsg)) if not isinstance(band_nums, list): raise TypeError('band_nums must be a list of bands to resample') if len(band_nums) == 0: band_nums = list( else: image_bands = list( band_check = [val for val in band_nums if val not in image_bands] if len(band_check) > 0: raise ValueError('{} are invalid bands.'.format(', '.join(band_check))) if polygon_shapefile is not None: vect_desc = VectorDescribe(polygon_shapefile) if 'POLYGON' not in vect_desc.geometry_type.upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid geometry. Input shapefile should be poly or multipolygon') if groupby is not None and groupby not in vect_desc.get_column_names(): raise ValueError('Input groupby column does not exist in the shapefile') del vect_desc pixel_size_str = numeric_pixelsize_to_string(pixel_size) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file)) temp_file_list = [] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run coordinate system checks on the input image with as src: if is None: if image_epsg is None or image_epsg == 0: raise ValueError('Input coordinate system required - image_file does not contain' 'a coordinate system, and in_epsg is 0') else: image_epsg = pyprecag_crs.getCRSfromRasterFile(image_file).epsg_number # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # run checks on input polygon, and if required reproject it to the raster coordinate system gdf_poly = None if groupby is None or groupby.strip() == '': groupby = None if polygon_shapefile is None: # create a polygon from the image. hopefully by now the nodata val is correct. with as src: # source: # Read dataset's valid data mask as a ndarray and extract from all bands (dataset_mask). band = src.dataset_mask() mask = band == 255 # mask is where band == 255 # Extract feature shapes and values from the array. rast_shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(band, transform=src.transform, mask=mask) geoms_geojson = [{'properties': {'val': val}, 'geometry': geom} for i, (geom, val) in enumerate(rast_shapes)] gdf_poly = GeoDataFrame.from_features(list(geoms_geojson), crs=from_epsg(image_epsg)) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}BlockBoundary_{}.shp' .format(filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, image_epsg))] save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_poly, temp_file_list[-1], overwrite=True) del band, rast_shapes, geoms_geojson, mask else: desc_poly = VectorDescribe(polygon_shapefile) if 'POLY' not in desc_poly.geometry_type.upper(): raise ValueError('Invalid input data : a polygon shapefile is required') gdf_poly = desc_poly.open_geo_dataframe() if groupby is not None and groupby not in gdf_poly.columns: raise ValueError('Groupby column {} does not exist'.format(groupby)) if groupby is not None: # change null/nones to blank string gdf_poly[groupby].fillna('', inplace=True) # reproject shapefile to raster poly_epsg = if poly_epsg != image_epsg: # we have to reproject the vector points to match the raster print 'WARNING: Projecting points from {} to {}'.format(, image_epsg) gdf_poly.to_crs(epsg=image_epsg, inplace=True) poly_epsg = image_epsg del desc_poly # If a column name is specified, dissolve by this and create multi-polygons # otherwise dissolve without a column name at treat all features as one if len(gdf_poly) > 1: if groupby is not None: gdf_poly = gdf_poly.dissolve(groupby, as_index=False).copy() else: gdf_poly = GeoDataFrame(geometry=[gdf_poly.unary_union]) # Loop through polygns features ---------------------------------------------------------------- output_files = [] for index, feat in gdf_poly.iterrows(): loop_time = time.time() step_time = time.time() status = '{} of {}'.format(index + 1, len(gdf_poly)) if groupby is not None: feat_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', str(feat[groupby])).strip('-') if feat_name == '': feat_name = 'No-Name' else: feat_name = '' # From shapes create a blockgrid mask. ----------------------------------------------------- blockgrid_memfile = MemoryFile() meta_block = blockgrid, new_blockmeta = convert_polygon_feature_to_raster(feat, pixel_size) meta_block.update(count=1, **new_blockmeta) with**meta_block) as dest: dest.write(blockgrid, 1) del blockgrid if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Feature to block_grid', status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}BlockGrid_{}_{}.tif'.format( filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, pixel_size_str, feat_name))] save_in_memory_raster_to_file(blockgrid_memfile, temp_file_list[-1]) # Clip Dataset. --------------------------------------------------------------------- geoms = [mapping(feat.geometry)] with as src: crop_data, crop_transform = rio_mask(src, geoms, crop=True) for iband in band_nums: # range(1, src.count + 1): if crop_data[iband - 1].min() == crop_data[iband - 1].max(): raise GeometryError("There is no overlap between your polygon features " "and selected band(s)") meta = src.meta.copy() meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": int(crop_data.shape[1]), "width": int(crop_data.shape[2]), "transform": crop_transform}) clip_memfile = MemoryFile() with**meta) as dest: dest.write(crop_data) # reapply band tags to store the index name. for iband in range(1, src.count + 1): # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict( [(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(iband).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(iband, **cleaned_tags) if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Clipped Image to Feature', status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}crop_{}.tif'.format( filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, feat_name))] save_in_memory_raster_to_file(clip_memfile, temp_file_list[-1]) step_time = time.time() del crop_data, crop_transform, geoms # Resample to new pixel size using averaging ----------------------------------------------- with as src: meta = src.meta.copy() meta.update({'height': meta_block['height'], 'width': meta_block['width'], 'transform': meta_block['transform']}) # Resample all bands and write to file resamp_memfile = MemoryFile() with**meta) as dest: for iband in range(1, src.count + 1): reproject(, iband), src_transform=src.transform,, iband), dst_transform=dest.transform, resampling=Resampling.average) # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict( [(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(iband).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(iband, **cleaned_tags) if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Resampled to {}m'.format(pixel_size), status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}resampleAV_{}_{}.tif'.format( filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, pixel_size_str, feat_name))] save_in_memory_raster_to_file(resamp_memfile, temp_file_list[-1]) step_time = time.time() del clip_memfile # get a count of holes to see if fill is required. fillholes_memfile = MemoryFile() with as src: apply_nodata = int(src.nodata) if src.nodata.is_integer() else src.nodata with as src_bg: # find holes where blockgrid has data and resample is nodata - this can be used as # the mask in the fillnodata at a later stage if required. hole_count = np.logical_and((, masked=True).mask == 0), (, masked=True).mask == 1)).sum() if hole_count == 0: with**src.meta) as dest: for iband in range(1, src.count + 1): band = # reapply block grid mask with as src_bg: new_band = np.where((, masked=True).mask == 0), band, apply_nodata) dest.write(new_band, iband) # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict([(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(iband).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(iband, **cleaned_tags) # Fill holes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if hole_count > 0: with**src.meta) as dest: for iband in range(1, src.count + 1): # for rasterio 1.0.3+ the mask= options will interpolate values for all # designated nodata pixels (marked by zeros in `mask`) fill_nd = fillnodata(, masked=True), mask=None, # Dont use mask option max_search_distance=100, # default is 100 smoothing_iterations=0) # reapply block grid mask with as src_bg: filled = np.where((, masked=True).mask == 0), fill_nd, apply_nodata) dest.write(filled, iband) # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict([(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(iband).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(iband, **cleaned_tags) del fill_nd, filled if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Filled {} holes'.format(hole_count), status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}filled_{}_{}.tif'.format( filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, pixel_size_str, feat_name))] save_in_memory_raster_to_file(fillholes_memfile, temp_file_list[-1]) del resamp_memfile # Apply Focal Statistics to Smooth --------------------------------------------------------- with as src: meta = src.meta.copy() if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, '{}_{}smoothed_{}_{}.tif'.format( filename, len(temp_file_list) + 1, pixel_size_str, feat_name))] for i, iband in enumerate(band_nums, start=1): # range(1, src.count + 1): smooth, _ = focal_statistics(src, iband, size=5, clip_to_mask=True) # change np.nan to a number smooth[np.isnan(smooth)] = apply_nodata meta.update(dtype=rasterio.dtypes.get_minimum_dtype(smooth)) if config.get_debug_mode(): meta.update(count=len(band_nums)) with[-1], 'w+', **meta) as dest: dest.write(smooth, i) # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict([(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(i).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(i, **cleaned_tags) if 'name' in src.tags(iband): index_str = src.tags(iband)['name'] else: index_str = 'Band{}'.format(iband) if feat_name == '': out_imagefile = '{}_{}'.format(index_str, pixel_size_str) else: out_imagefile = '{}_{}_{}'.format(feat_name, index_str, pixel_size_str) out_imagefile = re.sub('-+', '-', out_imagefile).strip('_') out_imagefile = os.path.join(out_folder, out_imagefile + '.tif') meta.update(count=1) with, 'w', tfw='YES', **meta) as dest, \ rasterio.Env(GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK=True): dest.write(smooth, 1) # image statistics have changed so don't copy the tags cleaned_tags = dict( [(key, val) for key, val in src.tags(iband).iteritems() if not key.upper().startswith('STATISTIC')]) if len(cleaned_tags) > 0: dest.update_tags(1, **cleaned_tags) output_files += [out_imagefile] del smooth if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Smoothed and saved to {} file(s)'.format(len(band_nums)), status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() del fillholes_memfile, blockgrid_memfile'{:<30} {:>10} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Created {} files for feature'.format(len(band_nums)), status, feat_name, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - loop_time))) # del dest, src, src_bg return output_files
[docs]def calc_indices_for_block(image_file, pixel_size, band_map, out_folder, indices=[], image_epsg=0, image_nodata=None, polygon_shapefile=None, groupby=None, out_epsg=0): """ Calculate indices for a multi band image then resample to a specified pixel size and block grid extent for each shapefile polygon. Use this tool to create single band images, one for each index and shapefile polygon combination. A group-by column may be used to dissolve multiple polygons belonging to an individual block. If a polygon shapefile is not specified, polygons will be created from the images' mask The polygon shapefile will be re-projected to match the image file A block grid will be created for each feature for the nominated pixel size and used as the base for analysis "image_epsg" and "image_nodata" can be used to set the coordinate system and image nodata values when they are not present within the image file. The output filename will consist of the selected feature and calculated index. The processing steps to achieve this are: - Reproject image to new coordinate system if required. - Calculate indices - Dissolve polygons optionally using the group-by column Loop through each polygon feature and...... - Create Block Grid - Clip image to polygon - Resample and fit to block grid for a pixel size and using Average resampling technique - Identify holes and fill if necessary - smooth image using a 5x5 pixel moving average (focal_statistics) Args: image_file (str): the input image file pixel_size (int): the pixel size used for resampling band_map (pyprecag.bandops.BandMapping): A dictionary matching band numbers to band type (ie Red, Green, Blue etc.) out_folder (str): The output folder for the created images. indices (List[str]): The list of indices to calculate. image_epsg (int): epsg number of the image to be used when missing in image image_nodata (int): nodata value of the image to be used when missing in image polygon_shapefile (str): a polygon shapefile used to cut up an image. groupby (str): the column/field to use to group multiple features. out_epsg (int): The epsg number representing the coordinate system of the output images. Returns: List[str]: the list of created images. """ if isinstance(polygon_shapefile, str) and polygon_shapefile.strip() == '': polygon_shapefile = None for ea_arg in [('image_file', image_file), ('out_folder', out_folder), ('polygon_shapefile', polygon_shapefile)]: if ea_arg[0] != 'polygon_shapefile': if ea_arg[1] is None or ea_arg[1].strip() == '': raise ValueError('{} is required '.format(ea_arg[0])) if ea_arg[1] is not None and not os.path.exists(ea_arg[1]): raise IOError('{} does not exist-Got {}'.format(ea_arg[0], os.path.dirname(ea_arg[1]))) for ea_arg in [('image_epsg', image_epsg), ('out_epsg', out_epsg)]: if not isinstance(ea_arg[1], (int, long)): raise TypeError('{} must be a integer - Got {}'.format(*ea_arg)) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file)) if not os.path.basename(out_folder) == os.path.basename(image_file).replace('.', '_'): out_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, os.path.basename(image_file).replace('.', '_')) if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.mkdir(out_folder) with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='{}_reproj_'.format(filename), suffix='.tif', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: reproj_image = os.path.normpath( reproject_image(image_file, reproj_image, out_epsg, image_nodata=image_nodata, image_epsg=image_epsg) with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='{}_indices_'.format(filename), suffix='.tif', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: indices_image = os.path.normpath( calculate_image_indices(reproj_image, band_map, indices_image, indices) if polygon_shapefile is None or polygon_shapefile.strip() == '': with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='{}_BlockPolygons_'.format(filename), suffix='.shp', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: polygon_shapefile = os.path.normpath( # create a polygon from the image. hopefully by now the nodata val is correct. with as src: band = src.dataset_mask() mask = band == 255 # mask is where band == 255 # Extract feature shapes and values from the array. rast_shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(band, transform=src.transform, mask=mask) geoms_geojson = [{'properties': {'val': val}, 'geometry': geom} for i, (geom, val) in enumerate(rast_shapes)] gdf_poly = GeoDataFrame.from_features(list(geoms_geojson), crs=from_epsg(image_epsg)) save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_poly, polygon_shapefile, overwrite=True) del band, rast_shapes, geoms_geojson, mask out_files = multi_block_bands_processing(indices_image, pixel_size, out_folder, polygon_shapefile=polygon_shapefile, groupby=groupby) if not config.get_debug_mode(): if TEMPDIR in indices_image: os.remove(indices_image) if TEMPDIR in reproj_image: os.remove(reproj_image) if TEMPDIR in polygon_shapefile: os.remove(polygon_shapefile) return out_files
[docs]def resample_bands_to_block(image_file, pixel_size, out_folder, band_nums=[], image_epsg=0, image_nodata=None, polygon_shapefile=None, groupby=None, out_epsg=0): """Derive multiple resampled image bands matching the specified pixel size and block grid extent for each shapefile polygon. Use this tool create individual band images for each polygon within a shapefile. A group-by column may be used to dissolve multiple polygons belonging to an individual block. The fitting of rasters to a base Block (grid) ensures for easier, more accurate multi-layered analysis required by in Precision Agriculture. The processing steps to achieve this are: - Reproject image to nominated coordinate system - Dissolve polygons optionally using the groupby column Loop through each polygon feature and...... - Create Block Grid - Clip image to polygon - Resample and fit to block grid for a pixel size and using Average resampling technique - Identify holes and fill if necessary - smooth image using a 5x5 pixel moving average (focal_statistics) If a polygon shapefile is not specified, polygons will be created from the images' mask The polygon shapefile will be re-projected to match the image file A block grid will be created for each feature for the nominated pixel size and used as the base for analysis "image_epsg" and "image_nodata" can be used to set the coordinate system and image nodata values when they are not present within the image file. The output filename will consist of the selected band number or the value of a band's rasterio custom name tag Args: image_file (str): An input image pixel_size (int, float): The desired output pixel size in metres. out_folder (str): The output folder for the created images. band_nums (List[int]): a list of band numbers to process. If empty all bands will be used image_epsg (int): epsg number of the image to be used when missing in image image_nodata (int): nodata value of the image to be used when missing in image polygon_shapefile (str): a polygon shapefile used to cut up an image. groupby (str): the column/field to use to group multiple features. out_epsg (int): The epsg number representing the output coordinate system. Returns: List[str]: a list of created files. """ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file)) for ea_arg in [('image_file', image_file), ('out_folder', out_folder)]: if ea_arg[1] is None or ea_arg[1].strip() == '': raise ValueError('{} is required '.format(ea_arg[0])) if ea_arg[1] is not None and not os.path.exists(ea_arg[1]): raise IOError('{} does not exist-Got {}'.format(ea_arg[0], os.path.dirname(ea_arg[1]))) if not os.path.basename(out_folder) == os.path.basename(image_file).replace('.', '_'): out_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, os.path.basename(image_file).replace('.', '_')) if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.mkdir(out_folder) with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='{}_reproj_'.format(filename), suffix='.tif', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: reproj_image = os.path.normpath( reproject_image(image_file, reproj_image, out_epsg, image_nodata=image_nodata, image_epsg=image_epsg) out_files = multi_block_bands_processing(reproj_image, pixel_size, out_folder, groupby=groupby, band_nums=band_nums, polygon_shapefile=polygon_shapefile) if TEMPDIR in reproj_image and not config.get_debug_mode(): os.remove(reproj_image) return out_files
[docs]def kmeans_clustering(raster_files, output_tif, n_clusters=3, max_iterations=500): """Create zones with k-means clustering from multiple raster files as described in The input raster files should all: - have the same pixel size - be in the same coordinate system - should overlap Only the first band of each raster will be used. The output TIFF image extent will be the minimum overlapping extent of the input images. Each image will be resampled to a fixed coordinate to ensure pixels between images align. Args: raster_files (List[str]): The list of input raster files output_tif (str): The output TIFF file n_clusters (int): The number of clusters/zones to create. max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations for k-means algorithm in a single run. Returns: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: A dataframe containing cluster statistics for each image. """ if not isinstance(n_clusters, (int, long)): raise TypeError('Size must be an Integer.') if not isinstance(max_iterations, (int, long)): raise TypeError('Size must be an Integer.') if not isinstance(raster_files, list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: raster_files should be a list') not_exists = [my_file for my_file in raster_files if not os.path.exists(my_file)] if len(not_exists) > 0: raise IOError('raster_files: {} raster file(s) do ' 'not exist\n\t({})'.format(len(not_exists), '\n\t'.join(not_exists))) temp_file_list = [] start_time = time.time() images_combined, band_list = stack_and_clip_rasters(raster_files, output_tif='1_kmeans_combined.tif') temp_file_list.append(images_combined) # Make sure ALL masks are saved inside the TIFF file not as a sidecar. gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK', 'YES') step_time = time.time() # Extract data ready for k-means ------------------------------------------------ with as src: template_band =, masked=True) stack_meta = src.meta.copy() bands = data_stack = [] for ea_band in bands: new_band =, src.nodata) data_stack.append( data_stack = np.array(data_stack) # Now we need to whiten and/or normalise the data prior to clustering # This ensures each variable carries the same weight despite different input data ranges norm_stack = np.array([stats.zscore(ea) for ea in data_stack]) if config.get_debug_mode(): # write mask to file temp_file_list += [os.path.join( TEMPDIR, '{}_kmeans_normalised_image.tif'.format(len(temp_file_list) + 1))] with[-1], 'w', **stack_meta) as tmp_dst: for i, ea in enumerate(norm_stack, start=1): # recreate the full array dimensions new_band = np.empty_like(template_band), ~new_band.mask, ea) # reapply the mask to remove values assigned to nodata pixels new_band =, tmp_dst.nodata) tmp_dst.update_tags(i, name=band_list[i - 1]) tmp_dst.write(new_band, i) tmp_dst.descriptions = band_list'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Images Normalised', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # Run the k-means clustering ------------------------------------------------------------------- _, code = kmeans2(data=norm_stack.T, k=n_clusters, iter=max_iterations, minit='points') # adjust the class values to start from 1 so 0 can be used as nodata code = code + 1 # Write to file cluster_data = np.empty_like(template_band, dtype='int'), ~cluster_data.mask, code.T) # set nodata to 0 cluster_data =, 0) cluster_dtype = rasterio.dtypes.get_minimum_dtype([0] + cluster_data) cluster_meta = stack_meta.copy() cluster_meta.update({'count': 1, 'nodata': 0, 'dtype': cluster_dtype}) with, 'w', **cluster_meta) as dst: dst.write(cluster_data.astype(cluster_dtype), 1)'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format('Clustering complete', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # create summary statistics -------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a table to store statistics results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['zone']) with as src_clust, \ as src_img: # get the list of clusters to process clust_list = list(np.unique( clust_list.remove(src_clust.nodata) bands = for ea_clust in clust_list: # get pixels for each cluster clust_mask = np.where((, masked=True) == ea_clust), 1, 0) new_row = pd.DataFrame([ea_clust], columns=['zone']) img_meta = src_img.meta.copy() with MemoryFile() as memfile: # apply cluster mask to all bands with**img_meta) as tmp_dst: tmp_dst.write_mask(clust_mask.astype(img_meta['dtype'])) tmp_dst.write(bands) with as tmp_src: for i, ea_band in enumerate( new_row[src_img.descriptions[i] + ', mean'] = np.nanmean(ea_band) new_row[src_img.descriptions[i] + ', std'] = np.nanstd(ea_band) # for pandas 0.23.4 add sort=False to prevent row and column orders to change. try: results_df = new_row.append(results_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) except TypeError: results_df = new_row.append(results_df, ignore_index=True) # Move 'Zone' to the first column - fixed in pandas 0.23.4 by adding sort=False to append columns = list(results_df.columns) columns.insert(0, columns.pop(columns.index('zone'))) results_df = results_df.reindex(columns=columns) results_df.sort_values(by=['zone'], ascending=True, axis=0, inplace=True) # write to csv without ', ' to assist when loading into ESRI col_names = results_df.columns.str.replace(', ', '_').values results_df.to_csv(output_tif.replace('.tif', '_statistics.csv'), header=col_names, index=False) # format the table and print to log. results_df_copy = results_df.copy() col_names = results_df_copy.columns.str.split(', ', expand=True).values # replace column name NaNs to '....'. '....' as multiple spaces aren't allowed results_df_copy.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [('.......', x[0]) if pd.isnull(x[1]) else x for x in col_names])'\nCluster Statistics:\n{}\n'.format( results_df_copy.to_string(justify='center', index=False))) del results_df_copy'{:<30} {:<15} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'Saved Stats CSV', '', output_tif.replace('.tif', '_statistics.csv'), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) # clean up of intermediate files if len(temp_file_list) > 0 and not config.get_debug_mode(): for ea in temp_file_list: for f in glob.glob(os.path.splitext(ea)[0] + '*'): os.remove(f) gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK', None)'{:<30} {:<15} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'K-Means Clustering Completed', '', '{} zones for {} rasters'.format( n_clusters, len(raster_files)), dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) return results_df
[docs]def create_points_along_line(lines_geodataframe, lines_crs, distance_between_points, offset_distance, out_epsg=0, out_points_shapefile=None, out_lines_shapefile=None): """Add points along a line using a specified distance and create left/right parallel points offset by a distance. If the lines are in a geographic coordinate system they will be re-projected to a projected coordinate system. All touching lines will be treated as one. MultiPart geometry will be converted to single part geometry. The first and last points will be offset from start/end of the line evenly. Attributes from the input lines will be lost. line_crs is used to ensure that the correct wkt definition is maintained when using geopandas. Args: lines_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): A Geopandas dataframe containing Lines lines_crs ( The detailed coordinate system distance_between_points (int): The separation distance between points. offset_distance (int): The distance between the Strip point and parallel point. out_epsg (int): Optionally specify the epsg number for the output coordinate system. This should be a project coordinate system out_points_shapefile (str): Optionally specify shapefile path and filename used to save the points to. If a path is not supplied, it will save the file to TEMPDIR by default. out_lines_shapefile (str): Optionally specify shapefile path and filename used to save the lines to. If a path is not supplied, it will save the file to TEMPDIR by default Returns: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: The geodataframe containing the created points. The coordinate system of both the points and lines geodataframe. geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: The geodataframe containing the created lines. """ if not isinstance(lines_geodataframe, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : inputGeodataFrame') if 'LINE' not in ','.join(list(lines_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid input data : A lines geopandas dataframe is required') for argCheck in [('offset_distance', offset_distance), ('distance_between_points', distance_between_points)]: if not isinstance(argCheck[1], (int, long, float)): raise TypeError('{} must be a floating number.'.format(argCheck[0])) if not isinstance(lines_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if not isinstance(out_epsg, (int, long)): raise TypeError('out_epsg must be a integer - Got {}'.format(*out_epsg)) if out_points_shapefile is not None and os.path.isabs(out_points_shapefile): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_points_shapefile)): raise IOError( 'Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(out_points_shapefile))) if out_lines_shapefile is not None and os.path.isabs(out_lines_shapefile): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_lines_shapefile)): raise IOError( 'Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(out_lines_shapefile))) if out_points_shapefile is not None and out_lines_shapefile is not None: if out_points_shapefile == out_lines_shapefile: raise IOError('Output points and lines shapefile names are identical') # create temp files template with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="strip_treatment_", suffix='.shp', dir=TEMPDIR) as new_file: temp_filename = start_time = time.time() step_time = time.time() if out_epsg > 0: # Make sure we get the correct details for the output coordinate system points_crs = points_crs.getFromEPSG(out_epsg) # overwrite the gdf proj4 string with the epsg mapping equivalent to maintain the correct wkt. = lines_crs.epsg if out_epsg > 0: # Make sure we get the correct details for the output coordinate system points_crs = points_crs.getFromEPSG(out_epsg) # input needs to be a projected coordinate system to work with metric distances if lines_crs.srs.IsGeographic(): if out_epsg <= 0: xmin, ymin, _, _ = lines_geodataframe.total_bounds points_crs = pyprecag_crs.getProjectedCRSForXY(xmin, ymin, lines_crs.epsg_number) else: points_crs = lines_crs # project if required. if lines_crs.epsg_number != points_crs.epsg_number: lines_geodataframe.to_crs(epsg=points_crs.epsg_number, inplace=True) if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Reproject lines To epsg {}'.format(points_crs.epsg_number), '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # merge touching lines if len(lines_geodataframe) > 1: gdf_lines = GeoDataFrame(geometry=[linemerge(lines_geodataframe.unary_union)], else: gdf_lines = lines_geodataframe[['geometry']].copy() # convert multi part to single part geometry gdf_lines = gdf_lines.explode() if isinstance(gdf_lines, GeoSeries): # geopandas 0.3.0 explode creates a geoseries so convert back to geodataframe gdf_lines = GeoDataFrame(geometry=gdf_lines, # explode creates a multi index so flatten to single level gdf_lines = gdf_lines.reset_index().drop(['level_0', 'level_1'], axis=1) # assign a name to the index column = 'FID' if gdf_lines['geometry'][0].has_z: gdf_lines['geometry'] = gdf_lines['geometry'].apply(lambda x: drop_z(x)) # Add TrialID Side, Length and startoffset if 'TrialID' not in gdf_lines.columns: gdf_lines.insert(0, 'TrialID', gdf_lines.index) else: gdf_lines['TrialID'] = gdf_lines.index # Add Side, Length and startoffset attributes gdf_lines['Strip_Name'] = 'Strip' # find dangle length when the line isn't evenly divided by the point distance # Calculate the length of each line gdf_lines['length'] = gdf_lines['geometry'].length # calculate a start offset to centre points along the line gdf_lines['startoffset'] = (gdf_lines['geometry'].length % distance_between_points) / 2 # create a new dataframe for parallel lines gdf_lrline = GeoDataFrame(columns=['FID', 'TrialID', 'Strip_Name', 'geometry'], geometry='geometry', # create L/R lines for each centre line for index, c_line_row in gdf_lines.iterrows(): c_line_geom = c_line_row['geometry'].simplify(0.5, preserve_topology=True) line_bearing = point_to_point_bearing(c_line_geom.coords[-1], c_line_geom.coords[0]) for ea_line in [('left', '{} Strip'.format(deg_to_8_compass_pts(line_bearing - 90))), ('right', '{} Strip'.format(deg_to_8_compass_pts(line_bearing + 90)))]: side, value = ea_line # update the geometry and TrialID. parallel_line = c_line_geom.parallel_offset(offset_distance, side, resolution=16, join_style=1, mitre_limit=5.0) parallel_line = parallel_line.simplify(0.5, preserve_topology=True) # One of the lines needs to be flipped if side == 'right': parallel_line = LineString(parallel_line.coords[::-1]) gdf_lrline = gdf_lrline.append({'TrialID': c_line_row['TrialID'], 'Strip_Name': value, 'geometry': parallel_line}, ignore_index=True) gdf_lrline['FID'] = gdf_lrline.index if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:<15} {dur}'.format( 'Parallel lines created', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - step_time))) step_time = time.time() # Create an empty dataframe to store points in gdf_points = GeoDataFrame(columns=['FID', 'TrialID', 'Strip_Name', 'PointID', 'geometry'], geometry='geometry', # Loop through each centre line for index_c, line_c in gdf_lines.iterrows(): distance = line_c['startoffset'] ptid = 1 while distance < line_c['length']: # Add point along the centre line. pt = line_c['geometry'].interpolate(distance) # add it to the dataframe gdf_points = gdf_points.append({'geometry': pt, 'TrialID': line_c['TrialID'], 'PointID': ptid, 'Strip_Name': line_c['Strip_Name'], 'DistOnLine': distance}, ignore_index=True) # To add points to Offset lines, first find corresponding lines. line_subset = gdf_lrline[gdf_lrline['TrialID'] == line_c['TrialID']] for index_lr, line_lr in line_subset.iterrows(): # find the distance along the L/R line of the corresponding centre line point dist_along_line = line_lr['geometry'].project(pt) # Add a new point feature. Interpolate locates the xy based on the distance # along the line. gdf_points = gdf_points.append( {'geometry': line_lr['geometry'].interpolate(dist_along_line), 'TrialID': line_c['TrialID'], 'PointID': ptid, 'Strip_Name': line_lr['Strip_Name'], 'DistOnLine': distance}, ignore_index=True) distance += distance_between_points ptid += 1 # add a feature identifier gdf_points['FID'] = gdf_points.index # combine to original centre line while only keeping common columns and calculate length gdf_lines = pd.concat([gdf_lines, gdf_lrline], join='inner', axis=0).sort_values(['TrialID', 'Strip_Name']) gdf_lines['length'] = gdf_lines['geometry'].length if out_lines_shapefile is not None or config.get_debug_mode(): if out_lines_shapefile is None: save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_lines, temp_filename.replace('.shp', '_lines.shp'), overwrite=True) else: save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_lines, out_lines_shapefile, overwrite=True) if out_points_shapefile is not None or config.get_debug_mode(): if out_points_shapefile is None: save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_points, temp_filename.replace('.shp', '_points.shp'), overwrite=True) else: save_geopandas_tofile(gdf_points, out_points_shapefile, overwrite=True) if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30} {:>15} {dur}'.format( 'Create Points Along Line Completed', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) return gdf_points, points_crs, gdf_lines
[docs]def ttest_analysis(points_geodataframe, points_crs, values_raster, out_folder, zone_raster='', control_raster='', size=5, create_graph=False): """Run a moving window t-test analysis for a strip trial as described in Lawes and Bramley (2012). Format of the points must be from the create_points_along_line tools. All input rasters must be of the same coordinate system and pixel size and overlap with the points. Output statistics include: controls_mean - row by row mean of the control columns treat_diff - row by row difference between the treatment and controls_mean columns av_treat_diff - calculate mean of values using a moving window using the treat_diff column p_value - calculate p_value using a moving window using treatment and controls_mean columns RI - Response Index using the treatment and controls_mean columns Output Files include: For each line and strip combination : - png Map showing orientation of the line (start and ends) - png set of graphs - CSV file of derived statistics. Reference: Lawes RA, Bramley RGV. 2012. A Simple Method for the Analysis of On-Farm Strip Trials. Agronomy Journal 104, 371-377. Args: points_geodataframe (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): points derived using create_points_along_line points_crs ( coordinate system for the points. values_raster (str): a kriged raster containing the treatment values out_folder (str): folder for output files. zone_raster (str): a raster containing zones. control_raster (str): a kriged raster of size (int): the size used to calculate the moving window statistics. create_graph (bool): Returns: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: dataframe containing output statistics """ if not isinstance(points_geodataframe, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError('Invalid input data : inputGeodataFrame') if 'POINT' not in ','.join(list(points_geodataframe.geom_type.unique())).upper(): raise GeometryError('Invalid input data : a points geopandas dataframe is required') if not isinstance(points_crs, raise TypeError('Crs must be an instance of') if out_folder is None or out_folder == '': raise ValueError('Please specify an output folder') if not os.path.exists(out_folder): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format(out_folder)) if not isinstance(size, int): # or size % 2 == 0 - odd numbers only raise TypeError("Size {} should be an integer.".format(size)) if zone_raster is None: zone_raster = '' if control_raster is None: control_raster = '' not_exists = [ea for ea in [values_raster, control_raster, zone_raster] if ea and not os.path.exists(ea)] if len(not_exists) > 0: raise IOError('raster files: {} raster file(s) ' 'do not exist\n\t({})'.format(len(not_exists), '\n\t'.join(not_exists))) del not_exists missing = [ea for ea in ['TrialID', 'PointID', 'Strip_Name', 'DistOnLine'] if ea and ea not in points_geodataframe.columns] if len(missing) > 0: raise ValueError("columns not found - {}. Please use the output from the " "create_points_along_line. (PAT's create strip trial points)" " ".format(len(missing), ','.join(missing))) del missing # get list of valid rasters raster_files = [ea for ea in [values_raster, control_raster, zone_raster] if ea] # make sure rasters overlap ------------------------------------ try: for i, ea_raster in enumerate(raster_files, start=1): with as src: band1 =, masked=True) # get minimum data extent data_window = get_data_window(band1) # find the intersection of all the windows if i == 1: min_window = data_window else: # create a new window using the last coordinates based on this image in case # extents/pixel origins are different min_img_window = from_bounds(*min_bbox, transform=src.transform) # find the intersection of the windows. min_window = intersection(min_img_window, data_window).round_lengths('ceil') # convert the window co coordinates min_bbox = src.window_bounds(min_window) del min_window except rasterio.errors.WindowError as e: # reword 'windows do not intersect' error message if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = ("Rasters do not overlap",) raise # re-raise current exception transect_column = 'Strip_Name' x_axis_column = 'DistOnLine' line_count = len(points_geodataframe['TrialID'].unique()) # Extract raster values for points ------------------------------------------------------------ gdf_points, points_crs = extract_pixel_statistics_for_points(points_geodataframe, points_crs, raster_files, 'extract_pixels.csv', size_list=[1]) = 'rowID' column_names = {} # find the columns relating to the rasters if values_raster != '': rastname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(values_raster))[0] column_names['Value'] = next(eaString for eaString in gdf_points.columns if rastname in eaString) if control_raster != '': rastname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(control_raster))[0] column_names['Control'] = next(eaString for eaString in gdf_points.columns if rastname in eaString) if zone_raster != '': rastname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(zone_raster))[0] column_names['Zone'] = next(eaString for eaString in gdf_points.columns if rastname in eaString) else: # Add a zone col with a constant value gdf_points['Zone'] = 1 column_names['Zone'] = 'Zone' # rename columns from raster name to the dictionary key to be more generic gdf_points.rename(columns=dict([[v, k] for k, v in column_names.iteritems()]), inplace=True) # create a unique id for each line/point gdf_points.insert(1, 'TrialPtID', gdf_points.apply(lambda x: "'{}-{}'".format(x['TrialID'], x['PointID']), axis=1)) # Apply bearing to all transects for group_name, gdf_group in gdf_points.groupby(['TrialID', transect_column]): gdf_group = gdf_group.copy() gdf_group['geom2'] = gdf_group['geometry'].shift() gdf_group['label_angle'] = gdf_group.dropna(subset=['geom2'], axis=0).apply( lambda p: text_rotation(p['geometry'], p['geom2']), axis=1) # update the main dataframe - needs matching indexes gdf_points.loc[gdf_points.index.isin(gdf_group.index), 'label_angle'] = \ gdf_group[['label_angle']] del group_name, gdf_group offset_names = gdf_points['Strip_Name'].unique().tolist() strip_name = offset_names.pop(offset_names.index('Strip')) # pivot/transpose the table. df_pivot = pd.DataFrame(gdf_points).pivot(index='TrialPtID', columns=transect_column, values=column_names.keys()) # clean up un required columns if control_raster != '': # only keep offset strips dropcols = [('Control', strip_name)] dropcols += [('Value', ea) for ea in offset_names] df_pivot.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) # change the order before joining levels together df_pivot.columns = df_pivot.columns.swaplevel(0, 1) # Fix column headers df_pivot.columns =' '.join).str.strip() ''' Ensure zone columns are integer. cant be integer and contain NAN's so do it later. TODO: In v0.24, you can now do df = df.astype(pd.Int32Dtype()) df_pivot[column_names['Zone']] = df_pivot[column_names['Zone']].astype(pd.Int8Dtype())''' # Prepare to join tables -------------------------------------------------------------------- # drop geometry etc. and create flat table. df_table = pd.DataFrame(gdf_points.drop(columns='geometry', inplace=False)) # Keep only minimum of columns dropcols = [ea for ea in df_table.columns if ea not in ['FID', 'TrialPtID', 'TrialID', 'PointID', 'DistOnLine']] df_table.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) # remove duplicate points only keeping first - ie the Strip df_table.drop_duplicates(subset=['TrialPtID'], keep='first', inplace=True) # add pivot columns back to original table -------------------------------------------------- df_table = pd.merge(df_table, df_pivot, on='TrialPtID') pivot_columns = df_pivot.columns del df_pivot import matplotlib as mpl # suppress ImportError: No module named _tkinter, please install the python-tk package mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Suppress interactive plotting plt.ioff() from matplotlib import gridspec from collections import OrderedDict import matplotlib.patheffects as pe for iline, (line_id, gdf_strip) in enumerate(gdf_points.groupby(['TrialID']), start=1): status = '{} of {}'.format(iline, line_count) loop_time = time.time() df_subtable = df_table[df_table['TrialID'] == line_id].copy() offset_names = gdf_strip['Strip_Name'].unique().tolist() strip_name = offset_names.pop(offset_names.index('Strip')) # determine which columns to use keepcols = [col for col in pivot_columns if len(col.split(' ')) == 2] keepcols += [col for x in offset_names for col in pivot_columns if col.startswith(x)] dropcols = [ea for ea in pivot_columns if ea not in keepcols] column_names = defaultdict(list) for ea in keepcols: parts = ea.split(' ') if len(parts) == 2: column_names[parts[-1]].append(ea) elif parts[-1] != 'Zone': column_names['Control'].append(ea) else: column_names[parts[-1]].append(ea) df_subtable.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True) # Convert zones to integer - there should be no NAN's df_subtable[column_names['Zone']] = df_subtable[column_names['Zone']].astype(int) # run loop for the three scenarios. 1) both sides (N+S), 2) North, 3) South scenarios = [offset_names] + offset_names for iscenario, scenario in enumerate(scenarios, start=1): if not isinstance(scenario, list): scenario = [scenario] control_col = [col for x in scenario for col in column_names['Control'] if col.startswith(x)] valid_zone_col = [col for x in scenario + ['Strip'] for col in column_names['Zone'] if col.startswith(x)] dropcols = [col for col in column_names['Control'] if col not in control_col + valid_zone_col + column_names['Value']] dropcols += [col for col in column_names['Zone'] if col not in control_col + valid_zone_col + column_names['Value']] offset_subst = '-'.join([ea.split(' ')[0] for ea in control_col]) file_path_noext = os.path.join(out_folder, "Trial-{}_{}-strip".format(line_id, offset_subst)) df_statstable, control_mean = calculate_strip_stats(df_subtable.drop(columns=dropcols), column_names['Value'][0], control_col, size=size) df_statstable.drop(columns=['FID', 'TrialPtID'], axis=1).to_csv( file_path_noext + '.csv', index=False) if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30}\t{:>10} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'Saved CSV', '', file_path_noext + '.csv', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - loop_time))) ''' Create the map & graphs ---------------------------------------------------------''' markers = ['.', '^', '+', 'x', '*', 'o', ',', 'v', '<', '>', 's', 'd'] colour_list = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y'] zone_column = 'Strip Zone' # add plotting parameters to table ----------------------------------------------- # assign an id to the column df_statstable['zone_UID'] = df_statstable.groupby(zone_column).grouper.group_info[0] # assign a marker based on the index from the list df_statstable["zone_marker"] = df_statstable['zone_UID'].apply(lambda x: markers[x]) # drop nan's introduced by the rolling window df_statstable = df_statstable.dropna(subset=['av_treat_dif'], axis=0).copy() # only get those points geometry with rolling window results. gdf_map = pd.merge(gdf_strip, df_statstable[['p_value']], on='TrialPtID').set_index('FID', drop=False) # ,'label_angle' # get y axis limits min_ylimit = df_statstable['av_treat_dif'].min(skipna=True) max_ylimit = df_statstable['av_treat_dif'].max(skipna=True) use_pvalue = 0.05 df_statstable['sig_color'] = df_statstable['p_value'].apply( lambda x: 'r' if x > use_pvalue else 'k') df_statstable['sig_label'] = df_statstable['p_value'].apply( lambda x: 'not significant' if x > use_pvalue else 'significant') # Create the map only once for both lines ---------------------------------------------- if iscenario == 1: # get start middle and ends of lines for labelling start_end_pts = gdf_map[gdf_map[transect_column] == 'Strip'].iloc[[0, -1]] middle_pts = gdf_map[gdf_map['PointID'] == gdf_map.iloc[int(len(gdf_map) / 2)]['PointID']] # create lines # Aggregate points with the GroupBy - for shapely 1.3.2+ use the point objects try: gdf_lines = gdf_map.groupby(['Strip_Name'])['geometry'].apply( lambda x: LineString(x.tolist()) if x.size > 1 else x.tolist()) except ValueError: gdf_lines = gdf_map.groupby(['Strip_Name'])['geometry'].apply( lambda x: LineString([(p.x, p.y) for p in x])) gdf_lines = GeoDataFrame(gdf_lines, geometry='geometry') fig_map, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) # fix the extent to the vector ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_title('Map for Trial {}'.format(line_id), fontsize=8) ax.set_xlim(left=gdf_strip.total_bounds[0] - 50, right=gdf_strip.total_bounds[2] + 50) ax.set_ylim(bottom=gdf_strip.total_bounds[1] - 50, top=gdf_strip.total_bounds[3] + 50) # plot the line gdf_lines.plot(ax=ax, cmap='rainbow', legend=True) # _ = gdf_map.plot(ax=ax,marker='o',column='Strip_Name',cmap='rainbow',markersize=5) ax.tick_params(which='major', width=0.75, length=2.5, labelsize=4) # ,top=True,labeltop=True,bottom=False,labelbottom=False) plt.setp(ax.spines.values(), linewidth=0.5) ax.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, p: "{:,.0f}".format(x))) ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, p: "{:,.0f}".format(x))) # plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') anno_kwargs = {'size': 7, 'va': 'center', 'ha': 'center', 'path_effects': [pe.withStroke(linewidth=4, foreground="white")]} middle_pts.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(x['Strip_Name'], xy=(x.geometry.x, x.geometry.y), rotation=x['label_angle'], **anno_kwargs), axis=1) ax.annotate('Start', xy=(start_end_pts.iloc[0].geometry.x, start_end_pts.iloc[0].geometry.y), rotation=start_end_pts.iloc[0]['label_angle'], **anno_kwargs) ax.annotate('End', xy=(start_end_pts.iloc[-1].geometry.x, start_end_pts.iloc[-1].geometry.y), rotation=start_end_pts.iloc[-1]['label_angle'], **anno_kwargs) map_file = os.path.join(out_folder, "Trial-{}_map.png".format(line_id)) plt.savefig(map_file, dpi=300) plt.close() if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30}\t{:>10} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'Map Saved', '', map_file, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - loop_time))) # Create the graphs ---------------------------------------------- fig_graph = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) # width, height fig_graph.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.05) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[3, 3, 1]) if config.get_debug_mode(): gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 1, height_ratios=[3, 3, 1, 3]) axs = [] for igs, ss in enumerate(gs): if igs == 0: axs.append(fig_graph.add_subplot(ss)) else: axs.append(fig_graph.add_subplot(ss, sharex=axs[0])) # add a title axs[0].set_title('Strip trial analysis for Trial {} - {} strip' .format(line_id, offset_subst, size, use_pvalue), fontsize=16) df_statstable.plot(x='DistOnLine', y=column_names['Value'][0], marker='.', ax=axs[0], label='Treatment') # ,colormap='rainbow', figsize=(25, 5)) df_statstable.plot(x='DistOnLine', y=control_mean, marker='.', ax=axs[0], label='Control') for name, group in df_statstable.groupby(['Strip Zone', 'zone_marker', 'sig_color', 'sig_label']): group.plot.scatter(x='DistOnLine', y='av_treat_dif', marker=name[1], s=25, c=name[2], ax=axs[1], zorder=2, label='Zone {} {}'.format(name[0], name[3])) # ,s=25 group.plot.scatter(x='DistOnLine', y='RI', marker=name[1], s=25, c='k', ax=axs[2], zorder=2, label='Zone {}'.format(name[0])) # s=25 if config.get_debug_mode(): group.plot.scatter(x='DistOnLine', y='p_value', marker=name[1], s=25, c='k', ax=axs[3], label='Zone {}'.format(name[0]), zorder=2) axs[0].set(ylabel="Treatment Units") axs[1].set(ylabel="Treatment Difference") axs[2].set(ylabel="Response\nIndex") if config.get_debug_mode(): axs[3].set(ylabel="p value") for i, ea in enumerate([0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001]): axs[3].axhline(y=ea, color=colour_list[i], linestyle='-', alpha=0.8, zorder=1, label='p={}'.format(ea)) for iax, ea_ax in enumerate(axs): ea_ax.grid(True, which='major', axis='x') ea_ax.set(xlabel="Distance (m) from start of strip (see map)") # increase graph outline plt.setp(ea_ax.spines.values(), linewidth=1) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ea_ax.get_position() ea_ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ea_ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # remove duplicates labels from legend handles, labels = ea_ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) if config.get_debug_mode() and iax == 1: ea_ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), edgecolor='w') # title='Using a p-value of {} '.format(use_pvalue)) else: ea_ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), edgecolor='w') plt.savefig(file_path_noext + '_graph.png', index=False) plt.close() if config.get_debug_mode():'{:<30}\t{:>10} {dur:<15} {}'.format( 'Saved graph', '', file_path_noext + '_graph.png', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - loop_time)))'{:<30} {:>15} {dur}'.format( 'T-Test for Line {} Completed'.format(line_id), status, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - loop_time))) return df_table
[docs]def persistor_all_years(raster_files, output_tif, greater_than, target_percentage): """Determine the performance persistence of yield by across multiple years as described in Bramley and Hamilton (2005) The "Target over all years" method assigns a value to each pixel to indicate the number of instances (in the raster list) in which that pixel was either less than or greater than the mean (+/- a nominated percentage) of that raster. All input rasters MUST overlap and have the same coordinate system and pixel size. If a path is omitted from output_tif it will be created in your temp folder. References: Bramley RGV, Hamilton RP (2005) Understanding variability in winegrape production systems 1. Within vineyard variation in yield over several vintages. Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research 10, 32-45. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0238.2004.tb00006.x. Args: raster_files (List[str]): List of rasters to use as inputs output_tif (str): Output TIF file greater_than (bool): if true test above (gt) the mean target_percentage (int): the percent variation either above/below the mean. This should be a integer between -50 and 50 Returns: str: The output tif name """ if not isinstance(target_percentage, int): raise TypeError('target_percentage must an integer between -50 to 50.') if target_percentage < -50 or target_percentage > 50: raise ValueError('target_percentage must an integer between -50 to 50.') if not isinstance(greater_than, (int, bool)): raise TypeError('greater_than must be boolean.') if output_tif is not None and not os.path.isabs(output_tif): output_tif = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, output_tif) if not isinstance(raster_files, list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: raster_files should be a list') if len(raster_files) == 0: raise TypeError('Invalid Type: Empty list of raster files') start_time = time.time() # combine and align grid and slip to common area image_combined, _ = stack_and_clip_rasters(raster_files, use_common=True, output_tif='allyrs_combined.tif') with, 'r') as src: kwargs = src.meta.copy() for i, band in enumerate(, start=1): cutoff = np.nanmean(band) + (np.nanmean(band) * (target_percentage / 100.00)) band_new = band.copy() # classify bands if greater_than: band_new = np.where(band > cutoff, 1, 0) else: band_new = np.where(band < cutoff, 1, 0) # reapply nodata values band_new[np.where(band.mask)] = -9999 band_new = band_new.astype(np.int16) # cumulative sum of bands if i == 1: sum_of_rasters = band_new else: sum_of_rasters = sum_of_rasters + band_new sum_of_rasters[band.mask] = -9999 del band, band_new kwargs.pop('count') kwargs.update({'nodata': -9999, 'dtype': np.int16}) with, 'w', count=1, **kwargs) as dst_allyrs: dst_allyrs.write(sum_of_rasters.astype(np.int16), 1) arg_str = '{} {}%'.format('>' if greater_than else '<', target_percentage)'{:<30} {:>15} {dur}'.format('Persistor All Years Completed', arg_str, dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) # cleanup Temp files if not config.get_debug_mode() and TEMPDIR in image_combined: os.remove(image_combined) return output_tif
[docs]def persistor_target_probability(upper_raster_files, upper_percentage, upper_probability, lower_raster_files, lower_percentage, lower_probability, output_tif): """Determine the probability of a performance being exceeded or not being met with an upper and lower limit as described in Bramley and Hamilton (2005). The "Target probability" method builds on the target over all years method, in that it includes an upper range (i.e. cells with a given frequency of values that are above the mean +/- a given percentage) and a lower range (i.e. cells with a given frequency of values that are below the mean +/- a given percentage). A value is assigned to each pixel which indicates whether the performance in that pixel over a given proportion of years is: a) Greater than the mean plus or minus the nominated percentage (value = 1) b) Less than the mean plus or minus the nominated percentage (value = -1) The remaining pixels which do not fall into category a) or b) are given a value of 0. All input rasters MUST overlap and have the same coordinate system and pixel size. If a path is omitted from output_tif it will be created in your temp folder. References: Bramley RGV, Hamilton RP (2005) Understanding variability in winegrape production systems 1. Within vineyard variation in yield over several vintages. Australian Journal Of Grape And Wine Research 10, 32-45. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0238.2004.tb00006.x. Args: upper_raster_files (List[str]): List of rasters to used for the analysis of the UPPER category upper_percentage (int): the percent variation either above/below the mean to apply to the UPPER raster category. upper_probability (int):the probability percentage to apply to the LOWER category lower_raster_files (List[str]): List of rasters to used for the analysis of the LOWER category lower_percentage (int): the percent variation either above/below the mean to apply to the LOWER raster category. lower_probability (int): the probability percentage to apply to the LOWER category output_tif (str): Output TIF file """ for arg_check in [('upper_raster_files', upper_raster_files), ('lower_raster_files', lower_raster_files)]: if not isinstance(arg_check[-1], list): raise TypeError('Invalid Type: {} should be a list'.format(arg_check[0])) if len(arg_check[-1]) == 0: raise TypeError('Invalid Type: {} is a empty list'.format(arg_check[0])) for arg_check in [('upper_percentage', upper_percentage), ('upper_probability', upper_probability), ('lower_percentage', lower_percentage), ('lower_probability', lower_probability)]: if not isinstance(arg_check[1], int): raise TypeError('{} must an integer'.format(arg_check[0])) for arg_check in [('upper_percentage', upper_percentage), ('lower_percentage', lower_percentage)]: if not isinstance(arg_check[1], int): raise ValueError('{} must an integer between -50 to 50.'.format(arg_check[0])) if output_tif is None or output_tif == '': raise TypeError('Please specify an output filename') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_tif)): raise IOError('Output directory {} does not exist'.format(os.path.dirname(output_tif))) start_time = time.time() out_prefix, out_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(output_tif)) # Process upper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ temp_file_list = [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, out_prefix + '_1_upperyears' + out_ext)] upper_tif = persistor_all_years(upper_raster_files, temp_file_list[-1], greater_than=True, target_percentage=upper_percentage) upper_cutoff = (upper_probability / 100.00) * len(upper_raster_files) with, 'r') as src: kwargs = src.meta.copy() band = # Greater than test returns boolean which can be converted to 0,1 data_u = np.where(~band.mask, (band >= upper_cutoff).astype(np.int16), -9999) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, out_prefix + '_2gt_upperprob' + out_ext)] with[-1], 'w', **kwargs) as dst: dst.write(data_u) del band # Process lower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, out_prefix + '_1_loweryears' + out_ext)] lower_tif = persistor_all_years(lower_raster_files, temp_file_list[-1], greater_than=False, target_percentage=lower_percentage) lower_cutoff = (lower_probability / 100.00) * len(lower_raster_files) with, 'r') as src: band = # (band >= lower_cutoff) returns booleans (0,1) we need (0,-1) so # convert to integer and use np.negative to switch it while maintaining the nodata values. data_l = np.where(~band.mask, np.negative((band >= lower_cutoff).astype(np.int16)), -9999) if config.get_debug_mode(): temp_file_list += [os.path.join(TEMPDIR, out_prefix + '_2gtn_lowerprob' + out_ext)] with[-1], 'w', **kwargs) as dst: dst.write(data_l) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: result = np.where(~band.mask, data_l + data_u, -9999) dst.write(result.astype(np.int16))'{:<30} {:>15} {dur}'.format('Persistor Target Probability Completed', '', dur=timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) # clean up of intermediate files if len(temp_file_list) > 0 and not config.get_debug_mode(): for ea in temp_file_list: for f in glob.glob(os.path.splitext(ea)[0] + '*'): os.remove(f) return